HUS MCR Elections Michaelmas 2023
We will be electing all the currently vacant positions on the MCR during this round, this currently includes:
Co-President (1)
Vice Presidents (2)
Entertainments Officer(s) (Up to 2)
Communications Officer
Welfare Officer(s) (Up to 3)
Access and Education Officer
PGCE Officer(s) (Up to 2)
Services and Green Officer
Please see the timetable below and further details on the application procedure.
Click here to go to a role description for each position, so you can see exactly what is expected of the role.
We will also be running Liberation Officer applications around the same time (w/c Monday 16th October) to decide who fills the following roles. These typically involve less responsibility than the primary committee.
Disabled Students’ Officer(s)
LGBTQ+ Officer(s)
BME Officer(s)
Gender Equalities Officer(s)
International Officer(s)
Part-time Students Officer(s)
Please note: These roles are chosen by a panel, not elected. See at the bottom of this page for further details of how to apply.
Click here to go to a role description for each position, so you can see exactly what is expected of the role.
Dates and Events in Italics are for candidates only.
8pm Wednesday 11th October - Notification of Election and Publication of Election Timetable.
12pm Monday 16th October - Nominations Open
12pm Monday 23rd October - Candidate Manifestos and Posters MUST have been submitted to the Deputy Returning Officer (Kogulan Vipulan at
12pm Monday 23rd October - Nominations Close, Candidates are announced AND campaigning begins. See campaign rules below.
6pm Tuesday 24th October - Voting Opens.
2pm Friday 27th October - Voting Closes and winners provisionally announced.
In order to get on the ballot, you need a proposer and a seconder, who we will email to ask if they are indeed supporting your candidacy. If we do not receive verification from your proposer and seconder by 12pm Monday 23rd October, we will be forced to discard your nomination.
Please note you must hand in your manifesto and poster by the nominations close deadline (12pm Monday 23rd October).
Manifestos must be black and white, A4 documents outlining why you are running for the role and what you would like to do. Make sure you don’t start trying to promise things you can’t do, and to break up your manifesto into sections.
Remember: it is not a poster, so don’t try and be too fancy with it! You will get the chance to distribute a more graphic poster with your key ideas on as well!
They will be displayed both on the MCR website and in the MCR so that people who can’t make it to hustings can make an informed decision.
See examples of previous manifestos here! (Please note these are from JCR elections and are only to give you an idea of the look and feel of a manifesto, the content is not necessarily relevant. Lots of examples have been included, some might be better or worse than others, don’t feel you are constrained to make it look like any of these as long as it’s within the rules!)
Click here to see some example posters for previous JCR elections.
You must not campaign at all until you are explicitly told to by the Deputy Returning Officer (Kogulan Vipulan) – this will be shortly after nominations have closed.
Social Media campaigning is banned except for changing your cover photo on Facebook once. This cover photo must be checked by the Deputy Returning Officer before being uploaded to Facebook.
You must not include any political allegiance on any of your campaign materials.
You must not include images of you or any supports on your campaign materials.
You must not name any supports on your campaign materials.
We will be posting a set of posters on the Facebook groups (PGCE and MCR) and will be distributing them by email. Please note posters must be received by 12pm Monday 23rd October to be emailed out, without exception.
Campaign materials (e.g. Flyers or Posters) may be posted around the College (within reason), but must first be approved by the Deputy Returning Officer.
You must not spend more than £5 on campaigning material.
Please submit everything to for approval.
Voting will take place using the CamSU online voting system (link will be provided at the time), this will begin at 6pm on Tuesday 24th October and end at 2pm on Friday 27th October.
Voting will be by the single transferrable vote system, meaning you will rank the candidates in your order of preference. There will also automatically be a RON candidate. If RON (re-open nominations) wins the election, the election for that role will start again and nominations will be re-opened.
Liberation Officer Roles
In order to apply for any of six Liberation Officer roles, please submit a written statement of no more than 150 words outlining why you are interested in the role, any prior experience that you have, and what plans/ideas you would like to put forward. Please email this to the Deputy Returning Officer (Kogulan Vipulan at by no later than 12pm Wednesday 25th October. Applications are now open.