Welfare Contacts
The MCR has three welfare officers, as well as the Liberation Officers who form the Welfare Team (BME, Disabilities, International, Part Time, LGBTQ+, Gender Equality). They all have emails on the ‘Meet the Team’ page once elections have concluded. It’s their job to make sure everyone makes the most out of their time at Homerton and keep happy and healthy! Get in touch and they will get back to you as soon as you can.
The following is a list of helpful welfare contacts within College (also check out the Welfare Resources page for other welfare resources!):
Student Health Advisor
We have a Student Health Advisor that is employed by College, Sandy Chambers. For more complex matters, she may refer you to your doctor or other medical services in Cambridge, but is a great first step and can help relay any issues directly to your tutor or DoS.
Her contact details are:
Email: sc606@cam.ac.uk
Phone: 01223 747248
If you want to book an appointment to see her, please click here.
College Counsellor
We also have our very own counsellors in Homerton. Counselling offers you an opportunity to talk over any troubling issues in a private and relaxed setting with someone who plays no other role in your College life. If you have a personal or work-related problem, or if you are feeling unhappy, anxious or depressed, we encourage you to talk to a college counsellor. Catherine (our main college counsellor) is a trained psychotherapist with the Cambridge Society for Psychotherapy. During her training she worked at the University Counselling Service.
Contact details are:
Email: counselling@homerton.cam.ac.uk
Find out more about our counselling services on the Homerton College website, here.
College Wellbeing Coordinator
As part of the college wellbeing team, Homerton has a wellbeing coordinator called Grace Hernández. Grace has 10 years experience of working within mental health services amongst various roles spanning from acute hospitals to the charity sector. She is at Homerton for the wellbeing of the whole community, inclusive of students, staff and Fellows.
Grace is available to chat students and will organise drop-ins where there is arts and crafts available.
If you would prefer a more private conversation, you can schedule a 1:1 session here
Alternatively, email: gh535@homerton.cam.ac.uk
Your college tutor is there for your pastoral needs and can often give advice if you are struggling with work or have an issue with college accommodation or buildings by contacting the right person in college on your behalf. They can also recommend solutions to getting to lectures if you’re having difficulties. If, for any reason, you do not want to approach your tutor alone one of us will be happy to facilitate a meeting and have as much or as little involvement as you like. You can also contact the Senior Tutor, Penny Barton, at pb29@cam.ac.uk, or in her office, CAV 102.
Porters and On-Duty Tutor
For out-of-hours or emergency care, you can contact the Porters’ Lodge at 01223 747111, and they will arrange emergency medical care, or put you in contact with the On-Duty Tutor.
Please note: if you call an ambulance, please let the Porters’ Lodge know ASAP so they can prepare the site for access for the vehicle.
University Services
Find the University Counselling Service here, a free counselling programme offered by the University (an alternative to the College’s own counsellor listed above).
Find the CamSU Student Advice Service here.
Find the Disability Resource Centre website here.
Find the Office of Student Conduct, Complains and Appeals (OSCCA) here.
External Services
Nightline is available from 7pm to 7am 7 days a week as a student-run helpline. Phone them on 01223 744444.
Samaritans is another volunteer run service, phone them on 116 123.