Upcoming MCR Ents

PGCE Matriculation Photos and Dinner 2024
Gather at 5:30pm on Principal’s Lawn for the official PGCE Matriculation photograph in full formal attire (gowns are not required, but encouraged!).
Pre-Dinner drinks will begin in the Great Hall (the Old Hall) after the photograph at 7pm.
The Matriculation Formal is expected to start at 7:30pm in the New Dining Hall. Formals usually end at around 9:30pm. Feel free to make your way to the College bar afterwards!

Want to be that person who tells their friends they go to Cambridge and punted down the river Cam? (We know we all do deep down inside). Enjoy the quintessentially Cambridge activity at a discounted price of £3 per person! Meet us at the plodge at 4:30pm to head down there. More details will be released soon.
Book your place here: Punting Sign Up Sheet 2024

MCR Pizza Night
Free Pizza! What else is there to say really… Come grab a slice and enjoy some games and a potential film screening in the JCR Common Room!
Book your preference for pizza via the following form: MCR Pizza Night Booking
Access Statement and Dietary Requirements: The venue has wheelchair access. A hearing loop will be available on request. There is parking, including blue badge parking. There will be no seating available. There will be no quiet space, but you are free to leave the event at any time.
The following dietary requirements will be catered for: Vegetarian, Vegan, please get in touch with any other requirements. Allergen information will be available. This event will be alcohol free. (Note: This is just from the organisers perspective, we cannot guarantee people will not bring their own alcohol).
Pizza will be first come, first served!

Pub Crawl
Join our MCR members in a tour of pubs in Cambridge, drinking as much or as little as you want as you journey to the finest establishments in Cambridge.
Meet in the Griffin Bar at 7:30pm. Instructions and a list of pubs will also be released earlier in the afternoon!
A surprise theme may await! We can’t wait to see you there!

Wine and Cheese Night (BYOB)
Come to the MCR for some wine and cheese, as well as another opportunity to meet other students and the rest of the MCR. Bring your own bottle (BYOB). Board games and consoles will be available in the MCR.
Access Statement and Dietary Requirements: The venue has wheelchair access. The bathrooms at the venue are wheelchair accessible. There is not at least one gender neutral bathroom at the venue. A hearing loop will be available on request. There is parking, including blue badge parking. There will be cushioned seating available. There will be no quiet space, but you are free to leave the event at any time.
The following dietary requirements will be catered for: Vegetarian, Vegan. Please get in touch with any other requirements. Allergen information will be available. This event will include alcohol.

Pub Quiz
Grab a team and meet us in the Old Hall for a Pub Quiz. Quiz Starts at 8pm. There will be prizes!
Access Statement: The venue has wheelchair access. The bathrooms at the venue are wheelchair accessible. There is not at least one gender neutral bathroom at the venue. A hearing loop will be available on prior request. There is parking, including blue badge parking. There will be uncushioned seating available. There will be no quiet space, but you are free to leave the event at any time.
Allergen information will be available. This event will include alcohol.

MCR Meet and Greet
Come and join the MCR members in the Griffin (the College bar!) Find out about Freshers’ Week events and get to know your fellow College members.
Access Statement and Dietary Requirements: The venue has wheelchair access. The bathrooms at the venue are wheelchair accessible. There is not at least one gender neutral bathroom at the venue. A hearing loop will be available on request. There is parking, including blue badge parking. There will be cushioned seating available. There will be no quiet space, but you are free to leave the event at any time.
The following dietary requirements will be catered for: Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, please get in touch with any other requirements. Allergen information will be available.

Picnic and Pimm’s in the Orchard
Wander on down whenever you have some time during the afternoon and join us on the Orchard (near the rear car park) for some Pimm’s and light snacks. Bring some lunch or come and go when you like throughout the day! Non-alcoholic drinks will also be available.
Access Statement: The venue has wheelchair access. There is parking, including blue badge parking. There will be no seating available.

MCR Griffin Bar Social
Come and meet other Homerton Postgraduates in the Griffin (the College bar!). Snacks will be provided by the MCR Committee.

Bowling (+ Half-Price Drinks!)
Enjoy some subsidised MCR Bowling for £4 per ticket! Location is the TenPin at Cambridge Leisure Park (10 minute walk from Homerton). Bowling will start at 7:45pm.
Selected drinks are half price on Tuesdays, as is the food! Enjoy some bowling, arcade games, drinks, there’s something for everyone!
Booking is now closed!

Team Quiz
Grab a team and meet us in the Great Hall for a Quiz! Start time: 7:30pm. There will be prizes!
The Griffin bar will be open for drinks.

Wine and Cheese Night (BYOB)
Come to the MCR Common Room for some wine and cheese, as well as another opportunity to meet other students and the rest of the MCR. There will be some wine provided but please bring your own bottle (BYOB).
Non-alcoholic drinks will also be available.

MCR Meet and Greet
Come and meet other Homerton Postgraduates in the Griffin (the College bar!). Snacks will be provided by the MCR Committee.

Postgraduate Formal
Drinks Reception @ 7pm, Combination Room
Formal Dinner @ 7:30pm, New Dining Hall
Booking is via the UPay app and closes on March 19th at 11:59pm. If you are experiencing difficulties booking, then please email the Homerton Tutorial team at: tutorial@homerton.cam.ac.uk

Formal Swap at Emmanuel College
10 tickets available.
The booking link will be released via the MCR WhatsApp group on Tuesday 27 February at 6pm. Please join the group before this time if you are interested: MCR WhatsApp Group
Any questions, please email Wahab (MCR Vice-President) mcr-vicepresident@homerton.cam.ac.uk

Formal Swap at Christ’s College
20 tickets available.
The booking link will be released via the MCR WhatsApp group on Tuesday 27 February at 6pm. Please join the group before this time if you are interested: MCR WhatsApp Group
Any questions, please email Wahab (MCR Vice-President) mcr-vicepresident@homerton.cam.ac.uk

Welfare Event - Speed Friending
Want to meet new people? Speed Friending on 8th March at 7pm!
Location: MCR Common Room
Any questions, please message the MCR Welfare Officers (Janna, Fern and Atul) at mcr-welfare@homerton.cam.ac.uk

BME Networking Event
Join us, Lord Woolley, and Fellows, for a BME Networking Event on Thursday 7th March at 5pm.
Location: Fellows’ Dining Room, Homerton College
Any questions, please email the MCR BME Officer, Lydia, at lo354@cam.ac.uk

Hom Com!
An exclusive free to attend Stand-up Comedy & Improv Night!
Nine performances and Improv by the Cambridge Impronauts!
Location: Fellows’ Auditorium, Homerton
Any questions, please email the organiser of this event Pepi (Homerton Postgraduate) at pre30@cam.ac.uk

PGCE Event: The Big Primary Support Session
MCR Common Room.
An event exclusively for Primary PGCE students with free pizza and relaxing music!
IMPORTANT - if you would like to attend, you must fill out the follow form by midnight on Sat 2nd March so we know what allergies and requirements we need to cater for:
The BIG Primary Support Sesh Sign-up Sheet
Any questions, please email the MCR PGCE Officers (Jemima and Harry) at jm2583@cam.ac.uk and hh595@cam.ac.uk

Postgraduate Casino Themed Formal
Drinks Reception @ 7pm, Great Hall
Formal Dinner @ 7:30pm, New Dining Hall
Casino @ 9pm, Great Hall
Any questions, please email Tilly (MCR Ents Officer) at mcr-ents@homerton.cam.ac.uk
Tickets are now sold out!

Theatre Trip to London
The MCR will subsidise tickets, which will cost around £15 each. Travel will need to be arranged independently.
Venue: St. Martins Theatre. The show starts at 7pm.
Booking Link: Mousetrap Booking Form
Any questions, please email Sakeenah (MCR Ents Officer) at mcr-ents@homerton.cam.ac.uk

Formal Swap at Robinson College
18 tickets available. Price per ticket: £20 (includes pre-drinks).
Any questions, please email Wahab (MCR Vice-President) mcr-vicepresident@homerton.cam.ac.uk
Booking now closed.

Postgraduate Formal
Drinks Reception @ 7pm, Combination Room
Formal Dinner @ 7:30pm, New Dining Hall
Booking now closed.

Change in the Community Event
Fellows Dining Room, Homerton College
Homerton Changemakers x HUS x MCR.
Join us at an event where you can meet representatives from local charities, and find out what they do and how you can help. Open to all students from other colleges and universities! Free pizza and alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks provided!
Further details: Change in the Community: Do good by volunteering
Please register here: Change in the Community sign-up link

Wholesome Brunch
MCR Common Room
Free brunch provided!
Any questions, please email Joe (MCR Ents Officer) at mcr-ents@homerton.cam.ac.uk