Welfare Resources
The MCR has three welfare officers, as well as the Liberation Officers who form the Welfare Team (BME, Disabilities, International, Part Time, LGBTQ+, Gender Equality). They all have emails you can find on the ‘Meet the Team’ page or by clicking under their pictures above. It’s their job to make sure everyone makes the most out of their time at Homerton and keep happy and healthy! Get in touch and they will get back to you as soon as you can.
The following is a list of helpful welfare resources within College (also check out the Welfare Contacts page for other welfare resources!):
Student Guide to NHS Services
Linked here is a student guide to using NHS services in Cambridge.
Sexual Health Clinics
If in doubt, it’s best to get checked out. If you’ve had unprotected sex, we recommend getting yourself checked for STDs - getting checked is safe and easy at the Lime Tree Clinic, Brookfields Hospital, 351 Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF.
For students UNDER the age of 25:
Mondays 2-4pm Walk in contraception clinic and full sexual health screening.
Saturdays 12:30-1:30pm, contraception only.
For everyone:
Tuesday - Thursday 9am-7:20pm appointments
Fridays 9am-3:30pm appointments
Saturdays 11am-12:10pm Contraception only.
Alternatively, Homerton’s local GP also offers a contraception and GUM clinic (testing and treatment for STIs/STDs). The GP is located at Woodlands Surgery, 48-49 Bateman Street, Cambridge, CB2 1LR on Wednesdays 9am-4:30pm.
Call 0300 300 3030 to book an appointment.
There’s also a great selection of resources linked below that were prepared by a previous HUS JCR’s Welfare officers that are definitely worth reading if you feel they are relevant to you or your current situation. Please remember that people are here for you, be it the welfare officers, your friends, family, your tutor or just anyone in the Homerton community, you are never alone!